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The Legacy

Carol and mama Christmas 1978 Barbara lo
By Barbara Nelson Blinn

As I sit and gaze about me.

There is little I can find

With great monetary value

That I can leave behind.


Fame and fortune were dreams

As elusive as could be.

Life did not give gold or silver

Or bestow riches on me.


Lady luck was not benevolent.

And on me, she did not smile.

Yet, God gave me something special

That has made my life worthwhile.


You have been my greatest treasure

You have spurred me to go on.

You have been my ray of sunshine

When life was dark, and hope was gone.


Many, many years now

You and I have walked together.

Hand in hand we’ve faced life's problems

And experienced stormy weather.

I want to leave you something special

So, you can remember me.
But as I gaze around me

There is little I can see


There is only one thing
That I can leave behind

I’ll leave to you, my daughter,

Bits and pieces of my mind.


I hope they’ll be an inspiration

When blue skies have turned to gray

And I hope they will sustain you

And help you through a troubled day.


(c) Copyright 2021 White-Publishing


Carol and Barbara 1988.jpg
Barbara Nelson Blinn and Carol Ann White

Carol White and Barbara Blinn September 5, 2005

I found this poem tucked in a folder of Barbara's handwritten poems. It was on a piece of small steno paper.  CBW

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